Remember those spoilers from months ago that were bags of money? Finally, they've been released! They're gifts! Check your suit now to see if you have them!!! (Sadly, it's only for NEW accounts...urg. NOT FAIR.)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Remember those spoilers from months ago that were bags of money? Finally, they've been released! They're gifts! Check your suit now to see if you have them!!! (Sadly, it's only for NEW accounts...urg. NOT FAIR.)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Starplaza B-Day Clothing! (Butterfly Effect) (HB Clear-up)
Stardoll's B-Day:
Stardoll's birthday is here and they are celebrating with some new clothing!

I don't really like the pieces they have, but the pink dress is kinda cool.
The Butterfly Effect:
I was flipping through channels on the T.V. the other day and I saw this movie come on, The Butterfly Effect.
I thought "Oh Stardoll is Using that Name for a line of clothing."
So I look at the rating: Restricted (R)
I thought it was funny they used the name of a (R) movie for a clothing line.

Serina the print on that one Hotbuys dress is diamonds!
lol It's a cute dress.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Blue Shoes: I like them. They're a pretty shade of blue, and they've got an origional shape to them. 8.5/10
Blue Handbag: Gorgeous! Fabulous! Fantastic! I love it! 10/10
Dress: I really don't know because I can't see it I'll just give it a 7/10
Jacket: Eck. Looks like something Pete Wentz should be wearing. (NOT FOR GIRLS) If the jacket was more form-fitting...then maybe. But it's just so damn big. 5/10
Bracelet: I like it. Cute and funky. 8/10
Bow: Cute. But I hate how (even though it's virtual) the stone in the middle looks plastic and fake. 7/10
Swimsuit: Love it! Very DKNY! I just wish it came in different colours! 9/10
Shorts: Major ew. I mean...since when was GREY and LUMPY in style, Stardoll? 3/10
Grey and Pink Dress: Very pretty. I love the origionality in the dress! 8.5/10
Pink Dress (Art Dress): Um...what are those things on the dress? I spend about 5 minutes just trying to figure out what they were, and I still didn't get it....??? 7/10
THE END! Hope you liked the reviews!
Stardoll's 3rd Birthday
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
More Spoilers!
Monday, April 6, 2009


Friday, April 3, 2009
~Dance Attitude~

Styles Through the Years! (erm...months)

My second medoll in stead of really short hair, I had really long hair (like I used to in real life)
This is my third medoll. It's actually pretty close to my second...only a few minor differences. However, my hair at the time was parted at the side. This was also during my "counselor stage" on Stardoll. I started to build a rep as someone who helped members with their girl problems.
This is my fourth medoll. I believe this was around Halloween. At this time, I was already winding down from advice-giving. I had already been on Stardoll for a year or so. (btw, my eyes look weird because I was wearing those clear contacts.
My fifth look. Sorry, you can hardly see my face!!! Bleh. Anyways, at this time, I had retired from major "advice-giving" and had taken on a more "alternative" style-one that I have kept untill this day. I hate the hair though. I'm glad I changed it!
What do you think? Were these changes for better or for worse?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Dot? Uh...

Yes, I did try to make this look butt ugly. My point is, with Sephora, no matter how hard you tried, you would never be able to make this fugly look!!!