My second medoll in stead of really short hair, I had really long hair (like I used to in real life)
This is my third medoll. It's actually pretty close to my second...only a few minor differences. However, my hair at the time was parted at the side. This was also during my "counselor stage" on Stardoll. I started to build a rep as someone who helped members with their girl problems.
This is my fourth medoll. I believe this was around Halloween. At this time, I was already winding down from advice-giving. I had already been on Stardoll for a year or so. (btw, my eyes look weird because I was wearing those clear contacts.
My fifth look. Sorry, you can hardly see my face!!! Bleh. Anyways, at this time, I had retired from major "advice-giving" and had taken on a more "alternative" style-one that I have kept untill this day. I hate the hair though. I'm glad I changed it!
What do you think? Were these changes for better or for worse?
i liked the second and fourth medolls the best, but all are great!