Since I thought there was really no point in making seprate posts to say only a few things (thanks for pointing that out Ash! ^_^ ) I decided to make a combined post.
First of all, thanks Ashlynne for pointing out that the dress had diamonds on it. I couldn't figure out what those things were, and it was kinda creeping me out!
The other thing I wanted to do was talk about the new doll on Stardoll. Her name is "Dolly Doll". That made me laugh. Stardoll, really, is it that hard to think of a name? Anyways, since I'm not a superstar, I can't tell you firsthand what the doll is really like, but personally, I find her a bit creepy. I don't know...maybe it's her eyes or something. Couldn't you see her in an episode of Happy Tree Friends. Maybe it's because she's so damn cute. Oh I know! She should take the role of that girl from "One Missed Call" (The American Version. You know that scene where she's with her teddybear/nanny cam and she's not talking. She should so be in that scene.)

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