Its that time again! Hot buys reviews! (I know Aoife already did this but...heck...i couldn't resist! Now you get to see what each of us think!)
Sunglasses: I like the shape. Very Chanel, but it's so...glitzy that its tacky. Don't get me wrong! I love glitter, sparkle and all things girly, but it's too...Dame Edna! eck. For once in my life I'm saying...LESS SPARKLES PLEASE! 7/10
Purple Jacket: Um...cheap, tacky, 1990. NOT GOOD. But I do love the colour...alot. ;) 7.5/10
Overalls: Normally, I'm into this sort of shorts/overalls look. I think it can be really fun and classy at the same time. But these are just...trash. Sorry but I hate the colour and the shape. 5/10
Cupcake bag: I usually really like cute things like this. However, this has been done way too many times, and this design in particular looks really cheap! More detail please! 7/10
Earrings: Cute! 8.5/10
Shirt: Oh Daisy Duke! Looks like someone stole your shirt! Am I hearing country hicky chickie or what? Back in the bargain bin please! 3.5/10
Shoes: EWWWW. My eyes burn! What are those...those...THINGS?! and who the heck put them there? Not likeing it at all. 1/10
Green Socks: Normally, (I find myself saying this alot about these HBs) I like thigh-high tights. I think they're pretty funky and very AA. But this shade is a disaster! What is it? Like...baby barf? (Ok...so I AM guilty of having a pair of tights in my closet almost in this exact same shade....but it was for a costume!) 5.5/10
Skirt: Aoife was right! This skirt was so old HB. What happened to Stardoll's creativity? 7/10
Shirt/Sweater/Thing: Ugly colour. Not form complimenting. Bad, Bad, Bad. 3/10
(What about you?)
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